Wineskin in the smoke
Wineskin in the smoke

But you have enough kindness, broken and crumbled though it may be at the end of the day, to offer him a feast of gentle refusals. When the psalmist speaks of Gods Word as an ordinance, it carries the idea of letting Gods Word render the rule of law in all of our dealings. Since he remains anonymous, the Holy Spirit intends his suffering to be of universal significance. Throughout the Psalm we are made aware that the singer is in trouble. This word can speak to the rendering of a decision in a legal case. 119:81-88 SeptemINTRODUCTION: This Psalm has been referred to as the orphan psalm of the Hebrew hymn book. People could have easily understood at the time what this meant when it was originally written. A skim through Old Testament taught me that Wineskin was widely used in the ancient times. You don’t have to buy that home security system he’s selling in fact, I urge you not to. Psalm 119:25-32 Today we are introduced to the word ordinances. In 119:83 it says, ‘for I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, yet I havent forgotten your statues’. I had a few appointments scheduled and a Bible study, and I didn’t want to just say words during those times, but desired to connect with God and the people involved through the working of God’s Spirit. He has to get back on the phone and call a hundred more you’s in hopes of making enough to cover his college loan payments. fn Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the L ORD Tools. &0183 &32 I am not sure what a shriveled wineskin in the smoke looks like, but I am pretty sure it describes how I felt. And what about the telemarketer who always calls just as you sit down to supper? You think you don’t like him doing his job? How do you think he feels about it? You have to put up with him for one call. &0183 &32 NAS: I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, KJV: For I am become like a bottle in the smoke INT: Though have become A wineskin the smoke your statutes. Some think that as a bottle hung up anywhere in an ancient house would be in the smoke, nothing more is implied than its being set aside but this is too weak. That overworked waitress who gets your order wrong because she’s at the tail-end of a double shift of her second job that still can’t cover her rent: How she hungers for the crumb of a kind word to fall from your lips! That unpopular kid at your school whom the social system has dumped down outside the parties and privileges of the popular: How he would feast on the offer to sit with you at lunch, or study with you for the test. As wine-skin in the smoke my heart is sere and dried. First of all, look at how you handle yourself in intimate encounters at the gates of your life. A wineskin repeatedly exposed to smoke would shrivel and harden until it lost its flexibility and became useless.

Wineskin in the smoke